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shipping exchange中文是什么意思

用"shipping exchange"造句"shipping exchange"怎么读"shipping exchange" in a sentence


  • 航运交易所


  • Baltic mercantile and shipping exchange
  • He also conducted courses for bimco , japan shipping exchange , singapore shipping association and china p & i club
  • This paper focuses on the adjustment of market functions of exchanges , especially shanghai shipping exchange , how can they survive and develop in the network economy age
  • To the shanghai shipping exchange , the author argued that , it should adjust its existing functions as soon as possible , both excluding the outdated ones and creating new value - added services
  • The functional orientation of shanghai shipping exchange ( sse ) and the effect that it exerts in practice decide that it will be the exchange agency in the electronic commerce time as the internet dissemination
  • She also suggested shanghai shipping exchange to turn into an institute of information releasing , industry researching and professional consulting , and form a reputation of authority , equitableness and justice in the shipping market , thus to promote the growth of shanghai as an international shipping center
  • Based on an deep understanding of shanghai shipping exchange and a general study of how network economy influences the operation of exchanges , the author considers that , as a result of network economy , information would become one of the most important elements of development and due to the sequential existence of cost of transaction and searching cost in the new age , the exchanges would continue their growth in the arena
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